Pediatric Palliative Care in Virginia

Life deals us odd hands from time to time. You may have a child who has been diagnosed with a serious illness and requires hospice or pediatric palliative care in Virginia. At Capital Caring Health, we understand this is likely a difficult time for you, and we want to be available to assist with whatever you need.

You probably know from speaking with your doctor that a child receiving palliative care does not necessarily mean the child needs hospice or is dying. Palliative care is simply meant to address the painful or otherwise distressing symptoms of grave medical conditions.

Capital Caring Health offers pediatric palliative care in Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, Manassas Park, Loudon County, and many other locations in Virginia. Let us now explain how palliative care helps patients who are suffering from serious illnesses.

How Does Pediatric Palliative Care Help?

The following are some main points on what our pediatric palliative care in Virginia involves and how it is meant to help.

It Is Administered by Medical Professionals

You know that palliative care addresses symptoms rather than the illness itself. Because of this, you might think that palliative care is somehow a step below actual medical care, but this is not true. Palliative care is administered by doctors and nurses who specialize in palliative medicine. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances, pediatric palliative care may also be given in conjunction with treatment for the child’s condition.

It Addresses Patients’ Quality of Life

While other forms of medicine may aim to treat the child’s disease, pediatric palliative care in Manassas, VA, is designed to make the patient feel better. Conditions such as cancer or organ failure may cause a child significant pain or distress. Palliative medicine is there to soothe pain and relieve anxiety so the patient may live with serenity and dignity.

It Can Be Given Essentially Anywhere

While Capital Caring Health offers pediatric hospice in Prince William County and other locations throughout Virginia, we want you to know that our pediatric palliative care can actually be given anywhere, whether in hospice or at home. Our home-health aides can provide the care your child needs, and we also deliver the medication and other supplies needed to perform our palliative duties in your home. The goal is to make life convenient for the child, wherever that might take us.

Learn More about Pediatric Palliative Care in Virginia

If you believe your child could benefit from pediatric palliative care in Virginia, we encourage you to get in touch with Capital Caring Health. We maintain many locations throughout the state and can make the whole process easy for you.

Contact us to learn more about our palliative services, which also include grief counseling and 24-hour support for questions and nurse visits. When it comes to scheduling palliative care for your child, you are likely distressed, afraid, and in need of some assistance to get everything right. That is why Capital Caring Health is here. We handle all the details so you can spend your time with the ones who matter the most to you.

Reach out to one of our care experts today.