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Donate to our Primary Care at Home Program to Help our Neighbors

This coronavirus is most serious for those 65 or over who have one or more illnesses such as lung, heart, or kidney disease. The risk of infection increases dramatically if you have to leave home to go to the ER or other crowded locations. The way to stay safe is to stay home! But how can you stay home if you urgently need medical care? Capital Caring Health launched Primary Care at Home in December as a new service to deliver home-based medical care to the most ill and vulnerable. This is not hospice care. It’s primary care for ill seniors who are home-limited. As the COVID-19 epidemic expands in the DC-Metro area (now at 2,840 cases and climbing), we need to rapidly expand our capabilities to meet the fast-growing need to keep ill seniors at home and as safe as possible. Without donations from you, our neighbors, we will not be able to keep up with this unprecedented challenge. Please give what you can by clicking the green donate button on this page. Any amount you can give is fully tax-deductible and will be greatly appreciated. Every gift counts!

Our Primary Care at Home Team

Who We Serve

Elders (age 65+) who are home-limited and have advanced illness or disability.

What We Do

  • House Calls: By doctors, nurse practitioners, and social workers who specialize in the care of older adults with advanced illness.
  • Mobile Technology: We offer in-home diagnostic tests (blood work, X-rays, ultrasound) and an electronic portal for communication with our team.
  • 24/7 Coordination of Care: Our team is available 24/7 by phone. We arrange primary and urgent care, specialists, hospital and support services needed to be able to stay at home and stay safe.
  • Family Time: We work closely with families so all understand the plan of care.

Straight Talk – Safe Care for Seniors During COVID-19 Times

Where We Serve: Zip Codes

Northern Virgina

Zip codes: 22041, 22042, 22043, 22044, 22046, 22101, 22201, 22203, 22204, 22205, 22207, 22209, 22211, 22213

NW D.C./Chevy Chase, MD

Zip codes: 20007, 20008, 20015, 20016, 20815, 20816

Reach out to one of our care experts today.